Comparative Study of Universitas Brawijaya

On the next agenda, the UMB PPM Bureau conducted a comparative study to improve the performance of managing scientific journal publications at Brawijaya University Malang, at the Faculty of Agricultural Technology (FTP) which began with a speech by Prof. Dr. Teti Estiasih, STP, MP as Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs FTP. Internal journals at UB, especially in FTP, are managed by the Journal Resilience unit which fosters internal journals at the Faculty level. In FTP itself has 6 journals including the Journal of Agricultural Technology, JSAL, JKPTB etc. Journal of Agricultural Technology has received a journal assistance grant from the Bogor Agricultural Institute.

The explanation was then continued by Dr. Retno Astuti as Head of Journal Publishing at FTP. The main task of the journal resilience team is to improve the quality of journals, accreditation of national journals and international indexation. In UB there are 104 internal journals, 64 of which have been accredited (3 indexed Scopus, 4 SINTA 1, 20 SINTA 2, 17 SINTA 3, 23 SINTA 4, 3 SINTA 5, and 38 have not been accredited, 49 DOAJ and 82 DOI). From the results of these achievements, various obstacles were passed, such as some managers were not professional, had not inaugurated the publishing PLP and had not routinely budgeted for internal journal publications. Various strategies were also carried out to achieve this achievement such as meeting the number of journals that are still empty every year with the help of articles from lecturers. Each journal has 1 admin staff from the education staff.

Socialization of Scientific Publications 2019

Cooperating with RISTEKDIKTI

Module 1 – Improved Management of Research and Scientific Publication in 2019

Keynote Speaker: Dr. Hanief Arief, ST, MAP

Download here.


Module 2 – Administration of University Books

Keynote Speaker: Prof. Dr. Ir. Suminar Setiati Achmadi, M.Sc.

Download here.


Module 3 – Conference

Keynote Speaker: Prof. Ir. Wasmen Manalu, PhD

Download here.


Module 4 – Publication of Scientific Journal and Access to Kemenristekdikti E-Resources

Keynote Speaker: Dr. Lukman,

Download here : 1. E-Resources, 2. Publication of Scientific Journal Guideline, 3. Publication Ethics


Module 5 – Academic Writing for International Publication

Keynote Speaker: Dr. Siddarth Chandra

Download here.

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Layanan Bantuan Bagian Publikasi - LPPM, Universitas Mercu Buana.